
Travel basecamp

2012 - 2016
Hello Heroes  ✕  Air Transat
DOP, Co-Director, Editor

I was Pat Lacroix’s (Hello Heroes) roommate when he received a mandate to find a way to market the concept of “all inclusive’’ travel to a younger clientele. The idea: creating a documentary who follows 3 young adventurers, self-filming their journeys, using the hotel as their basecamp while exploring & discovering local customs & destinations. And then we had to figure out how to materialize Pat’s vision. The format we created to highlight “all inclusive’’ travel resulted in a 68 episodes, 15 countries & 23 “all inclusive” hotels, documentary series. Suffice it to say, animal towel creations, well I’ve seen them all!

Mr. Rodrigo Basurto Garcia. He left his Mexican family at the age of 17 to pursue his dream of being a professional dancer. His dedication is second to none. He remains to me “the locksmith” as he opened so much door for us during the filming process.

Bonding with a group often lead us to use the term “family” to describe the vibe that we feel amongst each other. But I also brought along my real cousin on this one. LP with a classic of his own; the pink eye.

Few minutes before their first jump… Needless to say the expression on their face changed a little bit afterward. Troy, Sarah & Ro, the original 3.

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